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My Girl Faye

21 17:22:06

Dear Sandra,
  I have a nearly 2 yr old PEW rat. She has a history of tumors, 4 which I have had removed. So she has never been in excellent health. Two weeks ago or so I noticed she was getting tilty,she was also having a hard time walking and couldn't hold her food with her hands, so I naturally took her to the vet right away. She was given Baytril and Doxy. and I give those to her twice a day. I seperated her from her cagemates, to recoop. She did perk up for a while, so I put them all back together. Two days or so ago, she started getting bad again, worse than she was. She has lost so much weight, I seperated her from her cagemates again to let her rest. She can't wash herself, she won't drink on her own and all of her food is mashed, which is mostly peas and peanut butter soy ice cream, since she won't eat her lab blocks. I don't know what to do, I don't know if I should let her go or make her keep fighting. She looks so tired and she can barely walk without falling over. But when I hold her she bruxes and boggles. I need advice. Thank you, Kristyn Yearington

I am so sorry to read about this.  It sounds like she may have a pituitary tumor. I would first try steroids on her, which she should have been given in the first place.  When rats have an inner ear infection, which is appears that is what the vet was treating her for, you should always add a steroid or at least metacam for inflammation.  There is inflammation and pressure on the vestibular cochlear nerve which controls equilibrium and when this occurs, they are off balance and have head tilt.  She still may have a chance of recovering if this is all she needs (the steroids) but the infection should have responded to the medication to the point she showed improvement. She could have relapsed and I am hoping she has, but because of the fact she is having trouble using her front paws and eating leads me to believe it is indeed a pituitary tumor.  Her age and the history of mammary tumors she has had in the past make her a prime candidate for this.  Before letting her go I would try the steroids. I would let her let you know when its time to put her down.  If she is bruxing and boggling and "trying" to get around, that means she would do these things if she could such as groom and feed herself, but she cant due to the disturbances in her brain.   The key word here is she has the "will" to live and I believe the rat has this right until we are sure she is suffering.  Once she gets to the point she cannot swallow and has no interest in you at all and is very weak and unresponsive, that is when you will know its time, as the spark in her eyes we have come to love about our rats, will be gone, and this is her way of letting you know its time to rest with the angels.

You can read a bit more about pituitary tumors here on my website:

If I could give you a hug, I would, so consider yourself hugged, via the internet. Hang in there and continue loving her and making her comfortable.  If she is stressed being away from her cagemates, put her back with them as long as you are sure she wont try to climb around and get hurt etc...