Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > fearful or aggressive?

fearful or aggressive?

21 17:10:28

Dear Sandra,
My male rattie, Timmy is about 6 months old and has always seemed extremely fearful towards me.  I've followed your trust training techniques and have had some success.  I named him Timmy because he seemed so timid.  However more and more he has been beating up him cagemate and has attacked my hand when I place food in the cage or add some fresh bedding.  He bites so hard I'm bleeding - a lot!
I have taken him to the vet and has set up a date to have him neutered.  My question:  Is this the right thing to do?  Is he just fearful or is it aggression, what do you think?
Thank you for your advice.

Your doing the right thing.Keep in mind though that a scared  rat often is aggressive mainly due to the fact they do not  trust  us and want to protect themselves.

Neutering will help  him alot, and he will be very sweet, almost like a different rat, proably within 3 weeks after the neuter.   Be sure the vet is very very qualified to do this surgery on him, though. If you were told by the vet that neutering is a breeze, run, dont walk, but RUN to another vet, because this will only prove his or her incompetence.  A rat neuter is far from routine or simple, and should never be compared to a cat neuter, either.

For more info on neuteriing and surgery, check out my website, and refer to the page on neutering.   

Again though to re-cap, I do support your decision to neuter him. This way he will have a happy life with his cagemate and you will no longer be hisitant to pick him up etc...