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abdominal swelling and subsequent death

21 17:28:32

My son's pet rat "Crystal" died unexpectedly last weekend and I am trying to find answers why she past so quickly. We noticed her belly had swelled overnight Friday, too rapidly I thought. I told him I would take her to a Vet Monday but Sunday morning she was gone and he was devastated. Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide. I know it will help my son with some closure.


Hi Randy

Sounds like Crystal may have had an internal tumor that may have abscessed or some massive infection that caused swelling.  She probably died from sepsis due to infection entering her blood stream.  I say it was probably a tumor in her uterus that may have ruptured but again, this is just an educated guess since I have not examined her.

I am sorry for your loss.  How old was she?