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pinkie wont poop

21 17:28:31

hi! I have 3 five day old pinkies and no matter how hard I try and follow directions, they won't poop. they do pee though. I really want them to make it. any advice? thank you!!!!

Is mother rat not caring for her pups?  Its next to impossible, even for the most experienced rat keeper, to keep pinkies alive if they are not fed by their mother or even a surrogate mother. Sadly, if they havent opened their eyes and their ears are still folded closed, they are very hard to hand raise, but pinkies are the most difficult.      

If you are feeding them, what are you using and how often and how much?
Also, how are you keeping them warm?

If they are not getting enough to eat, they wont defecate. What method are you using to get them to urinate?