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Rat in pain

21 17:24:07

Hi, my DD's rat, Bibbles needs to have his teeth filed. I can't find a vet to do them today, not until Wed. so far. Is there something I can give him to alleviate his pain?

Why would you say he needs his teeth filed and he is in pain? What is he doing?  What is going on with the teeth? Are they growing crooked? The only time rats teeth need filed is when they have what is called "malocclusion" and this is when the teeth are not aligned properly, sometimes caused by a tumor or other growth that can throw the jaw out of place. Normally rats do not need any help with their teeth as long as they are properly aligned and are able to grind them during bruxing and also when eating. Eating is also a natural way to grind their teeth too in order to prevent any sores inside the mouth from rubbing etc...

Let me know whats happening. Also, your location. I can perhaps help you find someone that can see the rat sooner, no obligation of course.