Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Should i save them all? Please respond asap

Should i save them all? Please respond asap

21 17:54:22

Please help.  I went to view some baby rats yesterday and the person who has them is giving 7 away as SNAKE FOOD TOMORROW.  I have asked her to keep two of them for me, but I cant stop thinking about them all and I want to save them.  They are only 3 weeks old and too young to be taken from their mum but I cant bear the thought of them being eaten!  I already have 3 boys and I have cages to separate boys from girls (too small for adults, but fine for babies) and I would aim to rehome them when they are old enough.  What should I do?


Do it!!   Does mom come with them too?

I can help you rehome them....or at least guide you in the right direction.

Your an angel...thank you for wanting to do this. We cant save them all, this is true, but 7 isnt that many  to rehome!

Perhaps you should tell that person she should not own rats if she thinks so little of them that she would give them away as snake food!!