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Tumor on Rats Foot

21 17:43:32

I have a 2 yr. old rat who is still very healthy other than having this tumor on his foot which is the almost the size of a quarter.  I would really like to know if there is any way of treating this without it being overly costly.

 Unfortunately there really is nothing that can be done except surgical removal.  If cost is an issue I would recommend getting him seen by a vet and getting an estimate.  Your rat is getting older, though, and unless the tumor can be easily removed it may not be viable to put him through the surgery, but if he is still in excellent health he could live another year or more even with the tumor.  The longer you wait, the harder and more expensive it will be to have it removed, so if you do plan to do so I would suggest you find a way to do it as soon as possible.  Your vet may be able to help you find ways to cut costs on the surgery, or they may even be able to bill you.  I hope everything turns out for him, good luck!