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Overgrown Teeth

21 17:02:03

DarkWing\'s teeth
DarkWing's teeth  
QUESTION: My Dumbo Rat, Darkwing, is atleast 3 years and 8 months old.  Earlier this year, one of his bottom incisors started to grow much faster than the one beside it and got very long, so I took him to the vet.  They trimmed both of his teeth and we were back about a month later to have it trimmed again.  He had it trimmed three times and I ran out of money to take him again.  He's still relatively active, especially for his age.  He tries to trim his own teeth, but stopped being able to recently because they are so overgrown.  I've been feeding him Gerber baby food, and his food blocks (which I mash up in hot water for him), and sometimes a little shredded cheese.  He can't chew up anything solid anymore.  Is there anything else I could do for him or anything I could give him that might make his teeth stop growing?  It's only that one tooth that grows too fast, but he can't trim the other ones now because that one is in the way.
I tried to get a clear picture showing how his teeth are growing, but he decided he'd much rather run and play than sit still for a picture... This is about the best I got, you can see where his fur is messed up on the side of his tooth.  He actually cleaned it right after, but then wouldn't stay still enough for another pic.
Thanks for any advice you can give

ANSWER: Poor baby!  He has malocclusion which is why it keeps growing crooked. His jaw doesnt align up properly. The best bet is to try to find a way to get it trimmed by the vet before it starts to embed into his cheek.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It's growing outward, away from his cheek, which is... good I guess?  He's had it trimmed several times now.  Is it going to hurt to just let it keep growing?  He seems to still be eating and drinking okay as long as his food isn't solid.

Well he isnt eating solids, which isnt good, and the abnormal growth will misalign the rest of his teeth. I know he is an older boy but he really should have this clipped back. I cannot tell you to not do it or it would be going against my professional judgement.