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my 1st rats

21 17:43:45


I have a few questions...I just acquired two male baby rats, about 5 or 6weeks old.
Squeakers makes a chirping/squeaking sound when we have him out to play. I rarely hear it when he's running around in the cage. I have been reading everything I can find on rat care, and was worried that this might be a respiratory infection, but maybe it's just that he's still stressed when we have him out? We've had him 4 days. He's very inquisitive and crawls on us, nibbles and seems happy.

Erik, rat #2 started his life with us by escaping and living under our bathroom vanity for 2 days. He's more timid and when we brought him home we noticed that he rarely uses one of his front paws, he holds it up like it's injured. I see no swelling, redness, sores, etc.
At what point would you recommend a vet (I have one of those husbands....)? I am unsure if he's more quiet because he has been through more stress or because maybe his leg hurts?
Any tips would be appreciated! I can't tell you how much we are enjoying our new little fellows!

Hi Lori

CongRATS on your new rats! For starters, I am not real sure about the sounds your rat makes. Does he do it just for a few seconds, almost like a spasmodic episode that seems like rat hiccups or does it sound like it could be a squeak from congestion in his chest?

Erik, the second rat, sounds as if he was not socialized well which isnt shocking if he was a pet store rat. Most pet store rats are not properly socialized because the breeder for these stores just doesnt have the time to pay attention to rat babies from the day they are born which is exactly what you should do.
What your little guy needs is trust and security to make him feel safe. Letting him loose in the room is too much so you should make a small play area where they are confined when they are so young. On my website there is a page that will show you how to construct a fun play area starting with making a cardboard barrier/playpen area. You can make it room size if you want, and keep the cage in it too so they can still access the cage. Add toys and this can be your special  play area with the rats. This will keep them safe and also make them feel secure during their time out.

Here is the URL:

As for the rat holding his paw up , he probably twisted it. As long as it isnt swollen or red thats a good sign.      He should be able to put pressure on it in a few more days. If not, he may need to be put in a smaller cage where he is forced to just rest and not move around alot. However, because he is nursing it and not using it, he is pretty much doing this on his own so I suspect he will be using it soon.

Also, if you dont have a vet, this is a good time to secure at least a few names of exotic vets you can call should the need arise. Check out my page on finding a vet in your area and click on the link to the AEMV to search in your town. It never hurts to be prepared.