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Bring a new rat home for the other rat we have

21 17:36:53

My Daughter (Carly)would like to have her 1 year beloved male rat named Peanuts to have a friend? What that be a good idea? Should it be a small male or ?

Hi Sonya

Sorry for the delay, usually I am alot faster at this, but something in the system kept the email from reaching me until today! Anyhow, yes, rats love company and it would be good to get a male a bit younger than Peanut, but not a baby rat. He will need to do a 3 week quarantine in another area first and after that, it will take a few days for them to get used to each other scent by having them in the same room, cages near each other.  Once they are aware of each others prescence, you can let them sniff each other, but never let them just down on the floor without proper introductions or there may be fighting. Expect some sniffing and a bit of light wrestling at first, but they should not fight and bite or draw blood.  Here is the URL to my site about proper quarantine. Please let me know what else I can help you with!