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young rat health

21 17:27:11

Hi, Sandra. I was given a baby rat about two weeks ago and he was a runt. Up until today he was healthy, very energetic and showed no signs of illness, but as I went to feed him this morning I noticed he didn't run out to greet me as he normally does. Instead, he just sat at the entrance of his little house and he didn't move. His eyes and nose are clear, and his limbs look okay, but he still hardly moves. The little he does move is slow, and he just falls asleep right afterward. I'm quite concerned about the little guy and I'm not sure what to do with him. What could be wrong with him?

I am so sorry this took so long to get to my email..  When people write to allexperts, it gets filtered first so I do not know anyones email address and the only thing I get is your first name and the message.

How is the baby rat doing?  I hope he is ok...