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little drops

21 17:27:45

I just purchased a 5-6 month old hairless rat about 3 wks ago from a petstore. Within the past few days I've been noticing him dribbling urine when I have in out on my shoulder and when hes crawling around on me. I wasn't sure if there is a problem with his bladder or if it was a male rat excitement thing going on since this is my first rat companion.

Your little guy is marking you and is also nervous a bit yet.  Rats mark using urine in the wild for several reasons.  One reason they do this is  because in the wild they travel underground alot in tunnels where it is dark.  They may not be able to find their way back to their nest and get lost. They use their urine to mark their path and follow their urine scent to get them back to their nest again later when they return.  They also use to show ownership and to mark their territory. This is actually a compliment when he urinates on you. He is marking you as his own!  Just take an unscented baby wipe and clean yourself off. :)