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the odd rat out

21 17:37:46

Hi Janell,
i have 3 unneutered males. they are about a year old and they all live in the same (large) cage. two of my babies are normal and get along with me just fine but my albino, Willard, is terrified of me. i have had them most of all their lives (bought from petco , they are all the same litter). I have never done anything to Willard to make him act the way that he does. I have tried interacting with him in and out of the cage but he shudders at my touch and runs to hide in his house. He is the largest of the lot and can be a bully at times but he has bunches of scabs from nips that the other two give him. He is even too afraid to venture out of the cage even when he sees his kin running in and out of the cage door.

I think he hates me 
What can I do to make him trust me, and is there anything i can do to make the other two stop nipping him?  

Some rats are born with a mistrust of people, and that is no fault of yours. Try handling him more often and use very low, gentle tones and slow movements. As for them beating up on him, have you considered putting him in another cage with a younger rat? Perhaps he needs a cagemate that won't bully him.

Good luck!