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Red buggies on my rats.

21 17:43:48


I've owned rats for 4+ years and have never had a problem with bugs of any kind bothering them. Recently, all my babies have tiny red bugs on them. I've been told that it is not unusual for rats to have this problem, but it is foreign to me. I've bathed them well with ferret lice and tick shampoo. Is that the correct thing to do? The two boys I have aren't too bad, but my elderly girl has them big time.

Is there anything else I can do while I wait for the shampoo to take effect?


Hi Jim

Your little friends have mites. Unfortunately, the shampoo you used is not going to work.  Most of the stuff over the counter can be toxic to rats so I would steer clear of sprays, powders and stressing the rat with a bath that wont help.

They need treated professionally using revolution topically or ivermectin topically or injected, either way.  Your vet can sell you the revolution over the counter but you need to go by the rats weight to dose safely and effectively.  Freeze all bedding for 24 to 48 hours before using so if there are mites and eggs they will be destroyed.  

Do you have a vet that is up to par with rats?