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Odd Pet Rat Vocalization

21 17:29:00

My rat has been making a very strange sound on and off for the past few days. I have only had her for a few months, but I have had many other pet rats and I have never heard this noise come out of any one of them! It's sort of like grunting, loud and low. The noises sound voluntary, but she doesn't appear to be moving her mouth or nose any more than rats usually do, and she doesn't make any weird faces or motions while it's happening. It almost seems like the sound is coming from her chest... or from another animal entirely! I don't know what it's about, but she sounds like a squirrel or something instead of a rat! Aside from being a little small (she had a surprise litter about two weeks after I brought her home, I don't think she was any more than two months old. She hasn't gotten any bigger since, my guess is that her growth has been stunted as a result) she seems very healthy. She is active, curious, friendly, and happy. The only apparent difference between she and my other rats is that she is a rex (she has thick, wavy hair)... but I don't think her coat and her weird noises would have anything to do with each other, heh. I definitely don't know, but if you do it would really ease my nagging curiosity :-) thanks!


Your rat has congestion in her chest, possibly her lungs.

Listen to this rat making sounds, which indicates pneumonia or a serious mycoplasmosis infection of the lungs. You can hear her making a grunting sign, although more high pitched. This is typical of rats with this condition and prompt vet attention is necessary for recovery.

My question is, do you have a good exotic vet, and not just a regular vet that works in a clinic but sees exotics along with dogs and cats?  

As far as being a rex goes and making noise, no rats should make noises like that, wavy coat, no name it, it wont matter, just as you have suggested.

Rats squeak, may whimper when very scared, will hiss and snarl when very angry,will brux when content (and also when angry, but not as often as when they are happy and content)  but never will they have a constant grunting sound, like a monkey, an owl, or other, unless they are sick.  She may be eating and acting fine which is a great sign, so a good 30 days on baytril and amoxil will get her straight again!