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female rat health

21 17:01:50

My female rat is about 6 months old and she has sneezed since the day I got her.Its not constantly but often.I use the hypoallergenic bedding. She also dribbles pee all the time. She is potty trained and only goes in her cage, but the dribbles seem to be uncontrolled. So while I have her out to play she has droplets of pee everywhere. What do I do about this problem? Is she sick? She seems healthy otherwise. Are there any medications that would help?

Did you get her from the pet store?  

Sounds like she needs antibiotics for the sneezing...

As for the urine problem...has she always done this?   
Rats in the wild will actually use urine to mark their spot and also when they travel underground in the dark tunnels, they will also drop urine to help guide them back to their nest. They pick up on their own scent to get back home. Smart huh?  Some rats will do this if they are nervous and others do it simply because its their nature.  If she had a urinary track infection she would go often and it would not be just droplets. It may have an unusual odor too and can be blood tinged.  I would say this is not really abnormal for her. Is she a shy rat or is she bold?