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21 17:55:26

Noticed that pet rat Pip's abdomen was enlarged. Thought about taking her
to the vet but then it went down. This has happened a few times but this last
time it has lasted more than a few days. At first thought that she might be
gorging herself with food but now not so sure and wonder if it is something
more serious. Apart from her abdomen being enlarged and quite solid, she is
fine. Is overeating something that tends to happen as rats get older?
Pip is over 2 years old. Her sister Squeak, recently had a lump removed and
they were separated for a while. They have been back together for about a
month. They are housed in a wire cage with compressed woodchip bedding.
They are fed dry mix rat food, fruit and yogurt treats

Hi Carole

Aside from her belly being enlarged intermittently,is she easily tired?  Appetite normal? Some minor changes are normal as the rat ages and most are degenerative changes. However,abdominal swelling can be signs of some serious ailments, with one being the heart. Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart) is the first thing that comes to mind and is seen in elderly rats. Congestive heart failure (beginning stages) is another.  
If indeed it is her heart, it still doesn't mean the end is near. Many excellent drugs can be used, starting with an ACE inhibitor such as enalapril, and once the rat responds in a positive way to enalapril, a beta blocker is added such as tenormin.
I would watch her for other signs of illness, but it would not hurt to call your vet and let him know what is going on too. He may have other ideas. Hope this helps and good luck. Feel free to contact me if you need more information or help with anything else rat related :)