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Please read urgent!!! rat has huge tumor

21 17:40:05

My about 2 and a half year old rat has a huge tumor in her breast(1.5 inches) under arm.  she has been fine but i dont know what to do.  she is my first and i dont want her to suffer. she is very active and i been feeding her guinea pig food and lots of raisins.
she also has one( pea size) on the other one side.  i dont have any money to spend on getting them removed.  Should i wait till she dies or put her down???

She needs rat food - not guinea pig food. They have rat diets; I suggest switching her. Guinea pig food is primarily hay and many types of hay are undigestable for rats. Also, raisins are OK, but in massive quantities can cause problems. Be careful, and I suggest reading lots about rats, especially before purchasing another.

I can't advise you on what to do without knowing the situation first hand - are you positive they're tumors? Are they broken open yet? Does she seem to be in pain at all? Have you had her evaluated by a vet to determine if quality of life for long is even possible? These are all factors. Ultimately, this is your decision.