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Please read, urgent!!! rat has huge tumor

21 17:40:05

My about 2 and a half year old rat has a huge tumor in her breast(1.5 inches) under arm.  she has been fine but i dont know what to do.  she is my first and i dont wwant her to suffer. she is very active and i been feeding her guinea pig food and lots of raisins.
she also has one( pea size) on the other one side.  i dont have any money to spend on getting them removed.  Should i wait till she dies or put her down???

Dont put her down unless she is acting sick and suffering.

Read up on mammary tumors here:

Please dont give her guinea pig food. She is a rat and not a guinea pig so that makes no sense to feed a rat food meant for another animal. It i s like giving your cat dog food. Also rats have a totally different nutritional needs than a guinea pig has. Also raisins are toxic to rats when they build up in their system.  THey are to ALL animals: This is about dogs and cats but it also applies to our rats too so please read:

PLease read about proper rat nutrition here: