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my infant rat

21 17:01:56

her name is gucci
her name is gucci
hi, i got an infant rat a few days ago, and im doing my best to care for it. but, ive noticed it is shaking its head alot. ive looked around on the internet but can find an answer, i was hoping you would have one. the rat has fur and is starting to growth teeth, but its eyes arent open yet or its ears. so here are my questions. when will it open its eyes, and what is causing it to shake its head. i attached a picture of it so you can get a somewhat better look of her. thank you.

Where did you get this baby rat from? She is not even 2 weeks old yet and should be nursing from her mother. What are you feeding her and how?  Chances are she wont survive without really good care which is hard even for seasoned rat owners. Can you tell me where she came from? I am wondering why she isnt with her mother still. Rats need to nurse until 4 weeks old. This rat is very very far away from being 4 weeks old. I have no idea why its shaking its head, it is probably not doing very well and is sick.