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21 17:10:39

Hey Sandra!
Hope this finds you well. I was wondering if you could help me. I've decided to breed my 8 month old female dumbo rex to a  dumbo buck that is just over a year old.  She has a great temperment, is myco resistant and we have homes for the babies.  I love her temperment so much I want to keep a couple of her babies and the buck also has a great temperment with no history of respiratory illness. My question this. The buck is a lot bigger than my female. My female weighs about 600 gms and the buck weighs around 1200 grams. Is it ok to breed such a larger male to such a smaller female. I don't want to endanger my Lucy with giving birth to babies that may be too big to pass through the birth canal.  Also is it safe for the male to breed at this age?  Could you give me your thoughts on this? Thanks as always.
expecting to expect in Phoenix! LOL

Hi Kristin

Who told you that your rat is myco resistant?  Perhaps you meant to say that your rat never  showed any sings of illness such as respiratory infection or ear infection etc...  Just so you are not  mislead into believing that your rat is myco resistant.  All rats are exposed to myco when they are born unless they are delivered via cesarean section.
The mycoplasma bacteria is found in the female rats birth canal, exposing all born pups this way. The bacteria is also found in the nasal passages which is why otitis media (inner ear infection) is often caused by mycoplasmosis.  It is also the culprit for uterine infections in intact female rats such as the deadly pyometra and also the cause of urinary tract infections as well.
Keep in mind that although all rats carry myco, this doesnt mean  all rats have to suffer from myco related illnesses, though, since alot of it depends on the rats immune system and of course the rats environment.  For anyone that needs more info on myco, plese refer to my website, and check out the page on mycoplasmosis to get more info on the pesky organism that plaques our rats.
Second, breeding age:  Males, they can happily reproduce till they no longer have a pulse!
Females on the other hand, should be bred by the time they are 9 months of age. Truthfully though, I dont support breeding any rats that you do not have their history available. Do you know anything about either one of these rats as far as their ancestors go, and their health history and the history of their ancestors. You should know about cancers, heart disease, kidney disease, etc...
Although I LOVE rex rats....babies are awesome....its your choice, but this is my strong opinion on the matter.