Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Mister Pinky --lump

Mister Pinky --lump

21 17:28:28


hello Sandra!

I hope all is well with you!

Well, pinky has a lump on the top of his head.

It pretty much popped out of no where. One day I was like "whoa pinky,
where'd that come from?!" So me and my boyfriend came up with the idea, its
probly just a bump..he must have fell/got his head stuck in something. We'll
worry in a week.

Its been a week and it has not gone down at all. So I can only assume its not
just a bump.

Its hard. Its not an abscess --which chocolate has on his neck and every time
we try to help him out with it he screams(cause it hurts when we squeeze it)  
and squirms until he's released --some help on that too if you don't mind.
and we cant scruff him, its pretty much impossible he knows how to get out/
avoid it.

So I took a few pictures for you to take a look at.
It doesn't hurt him, we've squeezed it in all different ways. He doesn't seem to
notice its there, cleans it, and he doesn't seem to be physically effected by it
in anyway.
Its under the fur as you will see in the picture, hope you can help!

I have a few other pictures if this one doesn't work for you, or if youd like to
see if from the front.


This has me concerned.   I would see a vet as soon as you can, but be sure the vet is uber experienced, prefer a board certified exotic vet.  If you dont have one please let me find one for you.

Please check out my web page on tumors, scroll down all the way to see the photo of a rat with a tumor on his head that grew out of control.  

This is why I am a bit concerned and would feel better if he were checked out right away.