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Out of control rat

21 17:40:52

I really hope you can help me-I am totally out of ideas.  I just got 2 rats (Olive and Boo) about 1.5 months ago. The are both about 3 months old.  Olive has been the ideal rat.  She is easily trained, will come out of her cage when called, takes treats from me, and is just an overall great pet.
Boo, on the other hand, has been a challenge to say the least.  She flips over her food bowls, flings poo out of her cage, steals food from olive, squeaks bloody murder when i try to pick her up etc.  More recently, she has been darting off and jumping out of my hand when i take her out of her cage, running and pooping under all the furniture, and making it a living hell for me to nicely get her back into her cage.  
Today, however, I became very worried.  Durring the day, i like to let olive and boo play on top of my dresser to give them time out of their cage.  I put food and some toys and a bed there.  Boo started squeaking immediately when i put her on the dresser, ran and took a flying leap from about 4 feet up and ran under the dresser cowering.  I could easily reach her so i tried to pick her up and she started shrieking louder than id ever heard and hissing!  I was scared so i let go and got some gloves on to try again in case she was going to bite.  I picked her up again, same thing-screaming (not squeaking, screaming) hissing, and struggling.  
So my question is-what can i do?  How can i make her more comfortable like olive is?  I have worked with her daily giving her treats, holding her close, letting her come out of her cage by herself, im out of ideas!

hope you have a suggestion-thanks so much!

For starters (I laughed out loud reading this! LOL) The poo flinging is a sign she wants the poops OUT Of her house. She must be a bit obsessive compulsive and that is actually a normal trait of rats personality.
The food stealing? THats normal too. Not all rats are so brash, but some are.  My rats have learned to stuff what they can in their mouths, hold what they can in their hand and go and hide in the corner when they get some treats (dried cereal etc...) and they still scream at each other and they are 3 years old (males)  

THe fact she runs and poops under furniture means she is scared and uncomfortable in her surroundings.   
She needs confined to a safe area on lower ground. She needs to learn her boundaries and she needs to have her own things that she can play with and enjoy during  time out. Doing it the way you are now will just  push her away from you as far as bonding goes. She is feisty as heck, as you know. Hissing is only done by a rat when they are seriously scared of very angry so this little girl was obviously terrified for some reason.  You have to put yourself in her shoes. Big room. Big furniture, areas she is still not familiar with. Poor eyesight (if she were human she would be legally blind) Rats see at 20/600 and 20/800 if the rat has red or pink eyes the worse their vision is.  She also obviously has not bonded with you and she needs to learn to trust you and she has too much freedom. No matter how high you put a rat, they will find a way off of it, esp when scared.
Check out my site about constructing a play area for them. Its simple and inexpensive.  I found the idea on another site. Its simply made from cardboard and you can make a wall as big as you want and just stretch it around in a square or circle. You can add the cage too so they can run back to it for safety if she wants. Also, her own toys like paper bags, boxes with holes cut out etc...and of course, YOU. Your the most important fixture in the play pen. She may be scared at first and not want out at all so you will need to let her come out on her own.  Forcing her will only result in the same scenario as before with the hissing and freaking out etc...  and the more she does this the more you fear her and the more you fear her the more she will pick up your negative energy and it will just snowball from there.
I have extensive training in teaching rats to trust. I trained one of the meanest rats ever (she was a wild baby and I mean a wild rat from the outside, as in wild hybrid, not wild ) and she turned into my love of my life rat!  I lost her in July 2007 when she was close to 4 and I still cry for her.

Here is the URL to my site.  CHeck out GETTING STARTED where you can see how to make a play area. ALso check out  TRAINING SHY RATS. I think this will be a great help to you.  I have had alot of people write in with rats like yours and after a short time they write and let me know things are going very well. Please let me know how it goes and feel free to write anytime!