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The cage odor, used by my rat

21 17:39:45

I clean the cage atleast 2 a wk. and it still smells! My mom thinks i should get rid of him because of the stinch. I give my rat[Zuess] a bath 1 every wk or so but it still smells so bad. really all I want to know is if there are a few tricks to keep the cage and my room smelling good!  BUT othing to strong because hes about 4yrs old and FAT so i want to give him a ice last few yrs or how ever long he has. Thanks for taking my qst. I know you'll do everything you ca to help me.

If he is 4 years old why now would mom want you to just get rid of him?

There is nothing else you can do but change his cage every day. I would take him to the vet actually to see if there isnt something wrong. He may have a nasty urinary tract infection.

If he is already 4 years old, he is 2 years past his life expectancy. It wouldnt be fair to get rid of him now at his old age.