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HELP, baby rat!

21 17:51:30

On Saturday we purchased two very small rats that were going to be feeders at a local pet store.  We have two grown females (in a different cage).  One of the babies (not sure how old) seems very lethargic. He or she (not sure yet) is drinking and eating okay.  He makes this clicking sound almost all the time, sometimes I hear what seems to be a sneeze.  He just wants to be held.  I have tried to search for answers on the Internet, and what I have found states the clicking sound means he has a respiratory problem.  Should I take him to a vet?  Do you think that will help?  Is this terminal?  Thank you in advance for any information...we have only had him 4 days and we will be heart broken if something is wrong.

Hi Becki

I have to agree with the information you have found on the internet...the clicking sound, if it is not bruxing (which I am sure you know how that sounds from having the other rats)he is probably congested.  Unfortunately feeder rats are not bred for health or temparment and they are bred by the hundreds, often from a breeder mill that pumps out rodents and they are bred and in-bred. Its pretty sad. Its nice you gave these two little feeders a second chance at life(live feeding in captivity should be BANNED!) but unfortunately sometimes these little sweeties are not real healthy.

I think for sure you should see a vet and yes, it will help if you go to a vet that knows about rats, usually an exotic vet is the best bet. If you do not have one, I can help you find one if you tell me your zip code.  If you can, you should try to get him in ASAP.  I just had a reader write in last night that is a teacher and they had a rat as a classroom pet, who was about 3 to 4 months old.  She was also lethargic and she was sneezing previously, but she became totally withdrawn and unfortunately she passed away last night. She was sick during the day during school hours and she died last night, thats how fast these little ones go downhill.
Have you allowed the new rats around your older rats yet? Hopefully not, but if you did, next time, you should quarantine new rats in another air space for 3 full weeks in case the new rats get sick. Looks can deceive you...and new baby rats may appear fine but you never know what is incubating inside their little bodies so this is why isolation is important and the time frame is important also because alot of viruses can take 3 weeks to incubate before they show up.
The good thing is, he is still eating and drinking which means you caught it in time and with antibiotics he should feel better real soon.

Let me know and I will find you a Vet in a New York minute! :)