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Rat care

21 17:28:27

We just obtained 2 male baby rats two weeks ago and are learning to care for them. We have a sipper bottle for them but they do not use it yet.  We have two small flat crock like containers with water and they are using them.  How do we get them trained to use the sipper?  Also how do you train them to use a corner litter pan?  We get them out and play with them three times daily.  And we are trying to get them trained to their names, Rodney and Roofus.  Finally, should we get them neutered?  They do tend to urinate everywhere and on us during play.  What is the best form of play for them?  At this point, they want to hide in our shirts or hair and don't really play with toys  (although we are trying).  They are 6 weeks old.  We are already smitten!  They are sweet little ratties.
Thank you in advance.

Be sure the water is flowing good through the nipple of the water bottle and be sure its low enough for them.  You can smear a dab of jelly around the nipple taking care not to get any in the hole on the ball or it may clog.  Lead the rats to the nipple and they will probably sniff out the jelly right away and begin to lick.

Lift up the water dish so they only go to the bottle for water once they start making water come out of the nipple.

Litter training is easy, but not just for them yet. Like a human child, baby rats are harder to train to use the litter pan as they are still unable to really control themselves.  they will establish a favorite place to go to the bathroom over the next few months. Once they do this, pick up ALL LITTER from the cage floor and just put the litter in a litter pan and keep the litter pan in the area that they use to go to the bathroom most.  Dont expect them to stop peeing if they pee in their hammocks etc... this comes as they get older too.   If they poop outside the pan on the bare floors, put the poops in the litter pan so they see where it SHOULD go.   You can line the cage floor with a few layers of newspaper and on top of that, put down plastic needle point canvas.  The needle point canvas has tiny holes that will drain urine or water etc...and the newspaper under it absorbs the urine and you can change out the newspapers daily if they keep getting urinated on.  

As for play time, you need to set up an area safe for them to run free in.  Please see my website for info on how to make a cardboard "wall" and what kinds of toys to make for them to hide in and play in.   Here is the URL to my site and the page is called GETTING STARTED!