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square tails??

21 17:23:20

I was recently reading your website, and came across something i had not heard of before: a "square" tail as oppose to a "round" one, possible meaning a lack of proper nutrition. I tried to search more info on the internet about this, mainly for a picture. I don't really know what "square tail" means, or what it looks like. Can you expand?
Also, i've known for years that orange teeth are healthy. But i noticed some of my rats(young adults) have white teeth. I had noticed my pink-eyed-white adult male had pure-white teeth, and just thought that it was the same lack of pigment as his fur and eyes. But i've noticed some of my other rats also have whitish teeth. Does this mean a lack of iron or something? I feed them Oxbow Regal Rat and fresh foods.
Thanks, i enjoyed your site.


Which site are you talking about?  My Critter city website or here at all experts?  All experts is not "my site" I am simply part of a panel of experts that answering questions.  Critter City is my website.

Also, I am confused about a square tail.  Are you saying I was discussing it or are you asking me about it?

As far as the white teeth and yellow teeth, you can read more about that on my Critter city  site.