Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > sore leg

sore leg

21 17:43:34

QUESTION: i am 13 and my pet rat has a sore leg and i used to have mice and one died from it not being able to move its legs not long after her jaw stayd open and she died of hunger and i don't want it to happen to my pet rat


How old is your rat?  Is your rat limping? Is your rat dragging his legs behind him?
Is he eating and drinking?  Will he eat if you feed him?

Does he have a cage with ramps and shelves? If so is he able to go up and down them ok?

Is he crying or squeaking when you touch him?  

Are his legs swollen or odd looking?

Do you have a vet for him should I tell you that he needs to see one?

Did he fall that you know of?

Sorry to ask so many things but if I saw him in person I would ask you these things so I have to do it here, too, so I can get an idea of what may be wrong.

Your mouse probably had a tumor on his brain called a pituitary tumor. This makes them lose the use of the front and back paws and in the end they cannot chew or swallow. He could have been put to sleep rather than starve to death so if I think this is the same thing with your rat, he should be put to sleep instead of suffer.
I am sure he may have just hurt his leg, but let me know what I asked first and we will see what we can do to help.

Let me know ok?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hes about 1 year old and he walks alright he just doesnt use his sore leg and he only sqeaks when i touch doesnt seem odd looking or swollen he doesnt limp, he still eats and drinks and walks around, i dont think he has fallen.please tell me he is alright. ryan

Hi Ryan
He should be just fine once he heals. Dont worry. smal
It sounds like he twisted or sprained it. What you can do is look at it again and make sure it looks right, not crooked.
What to do is keep him calm for a few days. Dont take him out and let him walk around. This only  prolongs his healing. If he has other levels in the cage, remove them and the ramps so he has to stay on one level for a few days.
Make sure he eats and drinks and can reach his water bottle. If he gets worse or swells up, let me know right away!