Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Cages/Ratties


21 17:46:06

QUESTION: Sorry, to many follow-ups

Anyway, i was thinking getig 3 or 4 males, whatever is best. (:

ANSWER: Ok I went over the cage you showed me and you can move that highest half shelf down easily.  It would get it and put just three males in it.  I dont suggest more than three males though for that size cage. What you can do to protect their feet from the wire floor is buy (walmart has it in the craft section) plastic needlepoint canvas and cut to fit the shelves. I put newspaper town (not colored ink just black and white) and put the plastic canvas over the paper. In the bottom of the cage you can line the bottom the same way and instead of putting litter all over the bottom just get a small plastic pan, something that two rats can fit in easily, and fill with aspen litter.  Dont put the bedding anywhere else and they will use the litter pan for going to the bathroom.  Usually they poop first before doing the other.  I would get hammocks drape across the lower levels too.  It should be just fine for the three rats you get!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank You.

so, when i get it, i move the very top half down a bit?
And, will this cage be big enough for 3 ratties? i don't want them to be all crowded.


ANSWER: Yes according to the reviews someone had three or four rats in it that had plenty of room.

ALso, yes, I would move the very top half shelf down a bit. You can actually move that stuff all down a bit.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay still didn't get the ratties, still reading ;)
about the bedding, i have no Soy-Ink Newspaper, and i want to have my rats litter trained, so what do i use for the bottom??


Most newspapers are soy ink now days unless you live in this itty bitty small town but even so, I am almost certain newspapers are all soy ink with the exception of colored ads, and that is a MAYBE for that, too.

Use the black and white portion of the paper.  You can use George Bush photos and put on the bottom for them to soil on.  WHOOPS! I didnt say that did I?  NOPE!  The ratties got on the keyboard and did it. Its the rats fault!!!!!!  LOL!!

Also, you can just buy the plastic needle point canvas sheets sold at most stores like walmart or a craft store. They are just around 50 cents a sheet and have itty bitty holes in them for draining and you can wash them off easily. Put them on the shelves to protect feet from wire floors. Also, in the bottom tray you can use that too and put newspaper under the plastic sheets. Put litter just in the litter pan. I have a huge cage and use these cardboard type cat litter pan liners but they are for ferrets, hard to find though. You can buy a ferret litter pan too or just any rectangle or square container that they can get in and out of easily will do.  They may not pee in it right away or do either at first, if they are babies for sure, it takes time, but they will eventually.