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Labour For My Pet Rat

21 17:33:21

Hi I have a pregnant Doe that has gotten pregnent by and accidental visit from my 2mnth Old Buck And I have a question about the signs of labour and any complications that might arise and when I should take her 2 the vet if things don't go as they should.  I am a fairly new rat owner only having my doe for 6 months and my buck for 2 mnths now I'm kinda scared for my baby that's gonna be having her first litter because I don't know what 2 expect and how 2 tell she is in labour. I Dunno if there R special precautions I should be taking with her or not either so all the information and help on pregnancy and delivery would be greatly appreciated! And thanks for taking the time 2 read my question and look forward tro hearing from U! Thanks in advance, :)

Hi Lindsay

For starters, gestation is 21 to 23 days. The first signs that babies are in the near future is that she will start to build a nest. Be sure to provide her with safe materials such  materials.  Tissues such as toilet tissue, kleenex, should be avoided because when they get wet, they may adhere to the young pups face and suffocate them.  Cloth can end up with holes that can strangle the pups and strings that can wrap around the pups limbs causing injury or even cause the death of a newborn. A good paper towel such as bounty should be used for safety. DO NOT give her straw or hay as the pieces can poke out eyes etc...

Be sure she has a safe nesting box to use, one that the pups cannot climb out of easily such as turning an igloo upside down or even buy a ready made nesting box made just for this occasion.

The physical signs of labor would be the bloody show . This occurs a day before or even the same day of the birth of the new babies.  Often, with the bloody show, they can be expected to be born within a few hours. Excessive bleeding is not normal and this is when to see the vet right away!

When you notice that labor has begun we advise to leave the mom in a quiet dark place for the first hour. If you keep bothering her this may stress her and cause problems for her labor.
We do advise, however, to check on her every so often to see how she is doing.  You can tell when she is having a contraction.  Sometimes they will breath fast, pull the baby out, clean it up, put it aside with the others and come back out of the nest to rest, often laying on her side breathing a bit heavily as if she is resting up for the next pup to be born. Some small amounts of blood is totally normal during birth and once mom has delivered the pups. Heavy, constant bleeding is a sign of an emergency.

Signs of trouble are as follows:

Heavy excessive bleeding
Seeing a pup stuck in the vaginal opening
Severe labor or prolonged labor
The rat may become vocal, which means she is in alot of pain
Contractions with no babies
More than one stillbirth

It is advised to have a vet lined up NOW before the rat even goes into labor. Be sure you know where to call after hours or where an ER for animals is to take her to should there be trouble.

Chances are all will be well, but its also important to educate yourself as much as you can about as much as you can when it comes to your pet rat.  

If you do not have an exotic vet lined up please let me know your location and I will help find someone for you right away just to be on the safe side.

Feed mom well.  Give her scrambled eggs a few times a week for added iron during and after pregnancy, and also offer her soy baby formula too.

Let me know about the vet!