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Made friends with my snakes food!

21 17:46:49

So I went to feed my ball python this small rat today (I'm unsure how old the
rat is but I'm guessing a month?) and my snake refused to eat, so I set the rat
aside in a small clear cage. I checked on the rat a few hours later and thought
"Oh, she must be hungry" so I fed her broccoli. Then I took her out and fed
her from my hand... and well let's just say a few hours later (now) I am
completely attached  to this cute little thing and she just sits with me and I
think we love each other. I am no longer going to feed her to my snake!! I am
going to keep her... I have one concern though. I think when she was in the
bin with all the other rats, he eye must have been stepped on or somthing
because it is shut while the other is open. WIll this heal on it's own or can I do
something for it? Also, if she IS a month old, is she still weening? or can i
feed her broccoli and bread and such? she seemed to eat broccoli
okay...anyways, thanks so much!!

 If she's a very tiny rat (about the size of a mouse) she is between 2 and 3 weeks old and it is possible her other eye hasn't come open yet.  They usually come open at 2 weeks but sometimes one will open before the other one.  If that's not the case, she may have had an injury or even a birth defect.  I would wait a few days to see if the eye comes open on its own, if not then very very gently see if you can open it, but if there is any resistance leave it alone.  She may have to see a vet, though if there is no swelling, discharge, or other injury it is probably all right to leave it.

 Rats begin to wean at 2 weeks but aren't finished until 4-5 weeks.  If you think she may be younger than 4 weeks I would give her a bit of human baby soy formula for a week or two as well as her regular food.  Make sure she is getting a quality lab block intended for rats as well as fresh food; she can't live on broccoli and bread alone =)

 You also should consider getting a friend for her, as rats do much better in pairs and love to live together.

 Hope that helps, good luck with your rat!

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