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Sneezing and loud breathing

21 17:16:48

I have two rats, i think about two months old, they seem to sneeze a lot, i think thats what it is, they make a squeaking noise and then tend to clean themselves. And on of them seems to be breathing loudly, not open mouthed though. They are both eating, drinking, playing, and active, they are grooming themselves too. Should i be concerned? What do i do if anything? I have had them for about two weeks, the cage does not smell like ammonia or anything, they seem to be well acclimated. Thanks in advance!


When rats sneeze, you can identify easily it was indeed a sneeze, so thats probably what they are doing. the squeaking noises probably nasal congestion.  Your young rats, did they come from a pet store?  Chances are very high they have active mycoplasmosis.  If you are not familiar with it, dont let the big word scare you.  We cannot catch it from rats.
Rats are born with this bacteria and harbor it all of their life. It remains inactive UNTIL something triggers it such as a weakened immune system or poor hygiene esp if their cage is urine filled, which as you stated, you do not have a heavy ammonia smell in the cage so thats probably not from the litter. Exposure to anything that can irritate the lungs, from candles to air sprays to heavy dust, cigarettes (duh! LOL) even litter in their cage like pine and cedar can trigger it off.  It usually starts growing in the nasal passages and festers from there.
Treatment is to get the rats on an aggressive round of antibiotics but it MUST be the right one, which simply means that there are only two or three that work on myco since the organism lacks a cell wall and most antibiotics are made to destroy the cell wall, not the cell of the organism itself. Baytril and zithromax are two widely used drugs that combat myco well.  The trick is to use it for the proper duration, which is a full 4 weeks, with some Exotic Specialists now suggesting 6 weeks treatment for the first outbreak and should they relapse, even a  year later, they need to be on  the antibiotic for the rest of their lives or they will end up with chronic lung disease.  Myco also can attack the female organs causing a nasty infection, mostly uterine since it is found in the uterus and birth canal, which is how our rats get it in the first place. Rats born via a caesarean section are said to be myco free until they are exposed, of course.   They also get inner ear infections often caused by the myco bacteria and urinary tract infections also can be caused by mycoplasmosis as well.

Here is more information for you on my website,  Refer to the page on mycoplasmosis.  

Do you have a good vet? Not simply a general vet who sees dogs and cats and will see some small mammals like pocket pets and bunny rabbits, but someone that truly has the knowledge about rats and what they need for their ailments.  I can help you find one if needed, no obligation of course.  Let me know! The sooner the better though, unless you tell me that your using saw dust,pine or cedar and smoke around them etc.....and if thats the case, they may not have any infection at all and are simply irritated by their environment which of course can be altered to keep them healthy.   rats live to be 2 years old, but with proper care, esp when a vet is involved during illness, they can go on to live to be well over 3 years old, sometimes even 4 years old.  Any other age, esp that is said to be over 5?  I think the owner miscounted.  :)