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Please, help me asap, pet rat strange sounds.

21 17:19:27

Hello. I've been rat owner for 5 days now, and today 1 of my rats (probably 3-4 weeks old maximum) started woke up with some strange noises. I am not sure what it is, but i recorded it. I really hope it is not some kind of illnes and it is something normal. It was "squeeking" that way for like 2-3 minutes and than suddenly stopped, now it seems fine, but i am scared as hell.. it is still young and i don't want something to happen to her.

The soudns can be heard the last 30 seconds of this vid. Eventually they became louder but as i said, after 3-4 minutes they stopped. From time to time he just does it again for few seconds... it this normal ?:

Sounds like he's a little congested.. those are classic 'monkey' sounds and very a-typical of a respiratory issue in the making. Do you have a reliable vet (one that knows rats)? I'd see about having a wellness visit done on him and have them listen to his lungs well. I'm paranoid, but it's easier to catch a respiratory problem early and nip it in the bud than to try and nurse them back after they're already sick. I'd see about having him put on antibiotics.