Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > i dont know how to take care of my rat

i dont know how to take care of my rat

21 17:57:16

my rat is always hurting me when she climbs on my neck her claws dig in to me and i dont know what to feed her i want to play with her in fun ways but how? pleas help me

                  sincirely athinas owner

Any type of commercial rat diet is good for a rat. If your rats nails are hurting you, I would try cutting them with a regular nail clipper. Cut just above the wick like people do with dogs.
Also, as far as playing and games goes, just cuddle your rat and be affectionate with him. Rats are extremely smart and can recognize their name. You can always buy toys that are for ferrets and parrots to entertain your rat.