Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rat Housing

Rat Housing

21 17:55:27

QUESTION: I read somewhere that Rats can live outside in a purpose build shed. Is this true? I live in the UK and was wondering about weather issues. I currently have 5 rats in a HUGE cage but I still want to give them more space. Do you think it is possible for them to live outside. They are all males and currently range between 8 weeks old to 12 weeks old. If you can let me know what you think I will be very grateful. Thank you. Amy


I don't recommend letting domestic rats live outdoors. Rats cannot adjust to temperature changes well at all. Ideally, they should be kept in temps between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels steady around 50 to 60 percent. Dry conditions can cause health risks. Rats tend to suffer from heat stroke in summer and hypothermia in winter.Cool and damp or drafty conditions cause the rats to become ill often from mycoplasmosis.  
Some people like to let their rats walk around outside in the grass and I even frown upon that for several reasons. One is parasites, two are predators like huge birds of prey. I have heard our clients talk of how they had their pet rat outside and out of the blue came a huge bird, swooped down and grabbed one rat with each big claw. Is that a horrible story?  They even do this to small sized dogs too.

In closing, if you have them in a huge cage and take them out to spend time with you, I would be content with that and not risk their health by keeping them outdoors  too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the reply. I was a bit skeptical about it and you have firmly changed my mind about keeping my boys outside. What a horrible story about those rats. I would be devastated! Thank you again! Amy

Yes that is a terrible story. It has been reported to even occur with small dogs such as the mini yorkshire terrier etc..
Can you imagine? I have heard a ruckus in the yard before and have gone out to find a huge bird chasing a bunny rabbit. So here I am with a broom, chasing away the bird from the rabbit! Now I am one to support nature and the food chain but I don't want to witness that, either. ::shivers::

Hope all is well with you and your critters!