Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > your fugs

your fugs

21 17:53:31

QUESTION: on man he was so cute. i hate to think of what happened to him. breakes my heart to think about it. i cant get over how cute he really is. i cant believe that someone thought about useing a rat as a prank. that is so wrong. do you have more pics of you fugs? i had to show my husband your fugs. he thinks he is cute too.

ANSWER: Unfortunately I had him before digital cameras were affordable and he passed away at only 5 months old due to some ***Ch of a vet that knew nothing about rats but LIED that she did and she killed him during a neuter.  I imagine you read that too.  All the photos I have are like the ones on my website. He was so unusual. One week he looked like ELVIS and the next week he looked like a RACCOON!

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QUESTION: yeah it is alot like a cats purr. she does not to it while i hold her but yet when i just reach in a pet her. then she starts hoping  and sliding. its so funny. i aint noticed her eyes. i wish i could have seen your fugs in real upclose. i wounder if they breed rats to be like that. i like the racoon look. he was so cute. i think i would have to the vet to court or something. yeah i would love to have the names of the breeders that you have please. yeah her gerbils are well the black one is just plain evil. you walk by it and it starts barking or something. you reach your hand in their cage and they try to take it off for you. daisy the rat that we think is pregnant, right now you can pick her up and if you look at her belly she really looks like she has a pregnant human belly. is that normal? lol i told my husband that i wanted to ger hermit crabbs in a couple of years.

ANSWER: Hermit crabs are a ROYAL PAIN IN THE REAR END!  They are more work than rats...I swear to you this is true!  They need to be kept at humid temps of 80 degrees and 80 percent humidity and they need to eat organic food not the garbage from pet stores and they need heaters on the sides of the tanks and different size shells and deep substrate and hidey houses and fake plants and and and and......YEOWZER they are expensive to start . I have four and they used to try to rip each other from their shells so I put them all in separate tanks and they have been happy ever since. They are HUGE now...about 4 years old

Also, yes, they do breed rats like Fugs. He is called a patchwork hairless.   He was adorable. Also, your rat is indeed bruxing...that means she is happy to see you.

Is Daisys tummy shaped like a pear?  Is she building fancy nests?
She may begin to bite if she is pregnant and close to labor so if she starts can bet she is pregnant.  

From now on if you want you can write to me at my personal email at unless you have more medical things to ask. They may stop our follow ups if there are too many.

I dont have your email address.  WHen you contact us we  dont see it, just the admins of this site do.

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QUESTION: i was told that rats have to have protein. what kind of protein do they have to have? and what can i feed them to give them protein?

High quality animal protein but no, rats do NOT need alot of protein. This will cause kidney disease  in older rats and next to tumors, kidney disease is the leading cause of death in rats because of poor diet.

There is nothing special to cook them or prepare as long as your feeding them the right kinds of foods with protein not to exceed 18 percent, ideally it should be no more than 15 percent though.

Harlan teklad low protein lab blocks, regal rat by oxbow for rats over 4 months old and following many popular homemade diets you can find info to on my website is the best way to feed the rats. Seed mixes at pet stores are total garbage for rats, being high in protein and fats, and the fact rats pick out only the seeds they like which isn't enough to nourish a tiny mouse.
Where did you hear that rats need protein? Its true they need it like many species do, including us, but too much is disastrous. They need to  have a low protein diet unless your dealing with a pregnant and lactating female.

Hope this helped