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mycro/allergy/monkey noises

21 17:10:20

one of our rats, Iggy started making funny noises on Sunday (today is Tues)
it started after being held by my husband who had just finished helping complete a he was a bit dusty, not sure if this caused the breathing or not.
I did some research and the noises are comparable to "monkey" sounds, they happen when he is excited/happy only, but there are no other symptoms.
he is fine otherwise.
I have been told that it may be a mycro flareup which is concerning, I got them from a reputable breeder and have been very cautious about things that may hurt them.
I specifically waited for babies from a breeder to prevent such a problem...
he is only 5 months old :(
I know it can be treated with baytril, however the only exotic vet has very limited hours and located a fair distance from me.
do you think it may improve on its own? or only get worse if I leave it?
would there not be any other symptoms or is it just happening slowly?
any suggestions would be helpful :)
thanks for your help

ANSWER: Sometimes a good sneeze clears those noises up, but if not, I would get her to a vet for a months worth of baytril treatment.  I know that you bought her from a reputable breeder....I bought a pair of rats from one too before and they were being neutered for aggression the second day they were home with me! Breeders do their best to weed out the unwanted things such as aggression, heart disease etc...but weeding out myco is one thing that should never ever be promised since rats are born with it unless they were born via c-section to a myco free mother and raised in a sterile environment that was myco free as well. This is nearly impossible since all rodents carry myco and even a lab worker, if they made one wrong move while washing up before entering the sterile lab, could bring in mycoplasma right on the sole of his shoes since this organism lives up to 3 hrs on almost all fomites.   That said  (geeze, what a ton of run-on sentences, I slept through high school!) it would be a mistake for any one to assume that buying rats from a breeder should make the rat exempt from having myco esp at a young age.
Anything can aggravate it, even a day of stress for whatever reason.  The key now is treatment and this is when things end up going very wrong for many rats and their owners: A vet that is clueless about properly treating myco.  Many vets will prescribe baytril for 5 to 10 days which is NOT enough. Some underdose the rat totally which is just as bad as not giving them medicine, period. Others wont even use bayril and instead, use another drug that is useless in destroying the mycoplasma the key here is finding a vet closer that will follow the proper protocol.   Sometimes suggesting the right treatment to the Vet is  necessary. Sometimes the vet appreciates it, other times he or she is insulted. Those that are insulted need fired because they are letting their arrogance get in the way of properly treating your pet. Never feel "funny" about suggestions to a Vet when it comes to your rat.  Let the Vet know you are educated about many things when it comes to rat care and myco is one of them. Remember, the Vet is working for YOU, you hired this Vet. He is there to serve you, his car payment depends on his clients.  He or she cant afford to lose do not feel bad if you feel you need to speak up in order to get your rat proper treatment.   Print out my page on mycoplasmosis and hand it to the Vet. My website is  Refer to the page on myco and print away.

I can try to find a vet closer to you.  The sooner he sees a vet that better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks Sandra!
the vet that i want to go to takes care of one of the rat rescues here in Vancouver and they are strong advocates for ratties.
sadly the vet suggested only works 2 days a week and in the morning.
I will not be able to take Iggy in until next Thurs (today is wed) so that is 8 days away.
He still has no other symptoms and makes the noise when playing with me or when being fed.
no sound while sleeping or at rest (try sneaking up on a sleeping rat and pressing your ear up against the cage lol)
they are in a 2 level cn in our living room so I am constantly checking on him....poor fellow ;)
will wafting for the vet be a bad idea?
she said I could take him in to one of their other vets....but they were not experienced with I did not think it to be wise.
I steamed up the bathroom and took him in for a bit, I am still hoping it is something irritating his nose..
what do you think?

ANSWER: How is he doing?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,
I was going to drop you a line but you beat me to it!
I took him to a vet (suggested by the breeder) yesterday.
She feels that it is coming from his nose, not his lungs.
So I am to take him in a steamy bathroom once a day to help clear him up.
Evidently he has something stuck up his nose :)
although it could progress and worsen, so I am glad I took him in.
he does seem to be improving.
One thing she did mention that I am questioning....she feels he is overweight (480 grams, 6 months old) and I should ration his lab blocks (harlad Teklad adult).
This is the opposite of what I have been told, that they should have access to lab blocks all the time, and a serving of fresh veg and fruit once a day....
I don't mind trying to exercise him more (we do call him Iggy piggy), but I don't think limiting his blocks is a good idea.
plus I don't want the other 2 to lose any weight!!

here is a link to pics of them on flickr!!


thanks for the update.  You boy has the first phase of myco. I hope he was given antibiotics. His nasal passages are inflamed and this is why he is making those noises. Myco originates here after being inhaled from the birth canal, which is one reason they end up with the nasal sounds and respiratory infectins etc...

21 to 30 days of baytril is needed to prevent relapse. I am very experienced with mycoplasmosis pulmonis.  If this returns, he will have a strong strain and it will cause more problems for him, esp his lungs. I have seen this time and time again when vets dont treat it in the first phase.  I am hoping your vet did and you just didnt mention it.  The shower is helping the inflammation but it wont kill the bacteria. In fact, warm steam can make it reproduce faster.

As for him being overweight...take a look at my boys. Go to and refer to the page titled WATCH MY BOYS GROW.  You have intact bucks. They are always large and weighing a pound at puberty is not too much.  Never limit food. Your right not to want to do this. Rats dont over eat. They get chubby from us giving them sugary junk and foods that they dont need. Your lab blocks are the best you can feed rodents. No fat in them. He is a big boy. You can check the fruits your giving them for sugar content. Some are more fattening than others. All you need to do is watch the treats and exercise them daily. Do you have a nice play area for them? YOu can get ideas on my site too under the GETTING STARTED page.  Your rats are gorgeous, all of them.  Have you gone to my website?  If not, please do, and check out the page on mycoplasmosis.  You seem to have a handle on things, so please dont let this vet not treat him properly. I would hate to have you write back a few months from now saying he has chronic respiratory infections.