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Should I attempt to bathe rat who has bad abdominal infection (poop is collecting on his bottom)

21 17:16:50


(sort of continued from" Pet rat's abdominal cavity is filling with puss, vet has no answer and offered to put him down EMERGENCY")

Iscars cannot groom himself very well.  For some reason unknown his stool is collecting behind his gonads and he cannot groom himself since his belly is so swollen.  Before I used cotton swabs to clean him with- should I continue to do this method?  Should I draw a lukewarm bath and try to wash his bottom well so it doesn't get raw?  I can see he is in discomfort over it because he keeps trying to groom down there and squeaks since his belly is so engorged.

Have you called the vet I referred you to, Griffin Exotics?  This is the only way I can help your rat is to suggest you see a vet that knows what he is doing about rats. Dr.Griffin will only suggest putting him down if he cannot help him and he is suffering.  He needs to see a vet that knows what he is doing.  I would not stress him any longer trying to bathe him etc.... but simply try to help him by seeing the vet.