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Abscess on face

21 17:35:24

QUESTION: My 1 1/2 year old rat had an abscess right under her chin and when I took her to the vet two days ago to have it drained, He made the incision and started to squeeze but it burst internally and the puss got in her mouth and she swallowed all of it. He  told me that she would be fine and that it would not harm her but I have read that it can be poisonous if it bursts internally. She seems okay still and she is eating and acting normally but I am concerned. When I use a warm compress and try to drain it, none comes out of the incision it comes out inside of her mouth. I am giving her the antibiotics he gave me, and she seems to be doing alright but should I continue to drain it even if she is swallowing it?
Thank you so much.

ANSWER: The vet is correct, she should be ok. The enzymes in the stomach will take care of the bacteria. It is only dangerous if it enters the blood stream.  However, that is odd it went into her mouth. Is this abscess related to her tooth?  

Keep on the antibiotics. If she is eating and acting ok, its all good.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your speedy reply. I have no idea if the abscess is related to her tooth but that is where when the vet squeezed it the puss first came out. When I try to squeeze it I can't see any puss. The only way I know it is coming out is by watching her reactions, she starts licking her lips and cringes. Should I just keep doing what I'm doing until it seems it is gone? (I hate that I can't see it because i don't know how I'll be able to tell when it's completely gone) Do I have to worry about getting ALL of the puss out?
Thanks again

ANSWER: If it is going directly into her mouth, it is linked to her tooth.

I suggest the vet check this out again and consider extracting the tooth or this can get nasty. The tooth will not grow back if its pulled from the root but she will still eat ok, just have to change her diet some.

Is your vet a certified exotic vet or a regular vet that sees exotics? There is a huge difference  between the two vets: Certified avian/exotic vets (there are less than 200 world wide)  and vets that have a "special interest" in exotics. There are many more of these vets but the bad thing is, they are only partially educated on rat care and know just the basics about their health. Things that are out of the norm, like this for example, may be treated incorrectly, which is my concern about the vets credentials. Although he was right about swallowing the pus not hurting her, the fact remains that the source of infection needs addressed and if its the tooth, the correct medication needs to be used that fights an abscess and also the tooth needs removed if this doesnt stop being infected.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for all of your help. I have continued to squeeze the abscess and I started giving her antibiotics along with a supplement the vet gave me which he said would boost her immune system. The puncture wound on the outside of her face is completely healed and the only way I can get the puss out is through her mouth and she swallows it. Although the swelling doesn't seem to have significantly gone down, I am very hopeful that it will go away on its own with all that I am doing because I am not sure whether this vet is certified in exotics. He seems to know a lot, he is in his late 70's and has owned the practice for 50 years, and he knows about abscesses but I am afraid to go there to have a tooth extracted and I can't afford to go anywhere else. Is there a chance that what I am doing so far will help it go away? and is there a chance that she will die of fright while getting a tooth pulled? When I go to this vet, he makes me hold her while he works on her (no anesthetics), It makes me nervous. I just want what's best for her.
Thank you so much

You need a new vet.....because the vet working on your rat while you hold him is totally inhumane not to mention unprofessional.

I believe he needs that tooth pulled or this can get really nasty.

If you want I can give you some names of other vets you can check around for prices etc...

If the rat needs her tooth pulled she NEEDS to be put under anesthesia. Any vet that would do it otherwise needs his license revoked.

I can tell you if he is that old he isnt exotic certified unless he went back to college in the late 80s because that is when they started offering 2 year internships for exotic medicine. A certified exotic vet would never have the client restrain their own pet while they do a painful procedure on them without sedation. He must be leary himself on his ability to sedate a small mammal and that is why he doesnt do it. He probably doesnt have the necessary implements to safely sedate your rat. That would be enough to scare me away for sure.

Again, if you want names of vets that are able to properly work on your rat, let me know your location and I will give you names, no obligation of course.

Hope this helps.