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help please?!?

21 17:23:51

Hello! I have just been given a small black hooded rat from a college behavioral class (it is summer and no one could take care of her). But when I picked her up, she is so very sick! She is losing hair around her eyes and the back of her neck, unbelievably underweight (she was not fed properly either tho), she is wobbling everywhere, not active at all, and keeps going into wheezing fits sounding like a dying donkey/pig (unbearable to listen to) even when she sleeps. I really feel that she is at the end point of some form of disease, the respiratory disease I've dealt with before wasn't near this extreme. And I havent seen any blood or fluids coming from her nose/eyes She was kept in pine bedding for at least a year, and fed cheap brand dog food only, no fruits etc...  But I would like to know what you think she sounds like she has. And if there is some way the vet can help her other than euthanasia. Or if there is something I can do to help her come around (I've already changed her diet to seeds, crickets,fruits, and rat pellets, and changed her bedding to aspen).
Oh yes, and she has what I cant tell is bites, or black scars around one eye (she was housed with another rat not long before I got her). I would really love to hear what you think. Please respond soon!


Thanks for saving her.  For starters, get her off the seeds and crickets right off. Crickets are not good for rats because of the possible chance of parasites from the crickets. Insects and domestic rats do not mix.  Seeds are to high in protein for domestic rats.  Start with the rat pellets and vegetables like peas and carrots (canned are good enough) check my website on how to mix up a good diet using various cereals such as dried oatmeal flakes, puffed rice, rice chex, salt free sunflower kernels, dried cranberries, banana chips (sugar free) can make this mix easy and its so much better for rats. High protein destroys their kidneys.  Also, aspen is a good choice.  I use it for my rats too and suggest it to everyone.

SHe needs a vet and needs antibiotics. I would not even consider putting her down without first trying medication on her.  Please let me know your location and I will give you names of vets that see rats since not all vets know about proper rat care. She deserves a chance.

Since she is so frail, offer her baby foods, from strained carrots to sweet potato. Stage 1 for added liquids. Also, soy milk or soy baby formula will help get her stronger.  Scramble her an egg, no salt of course. She will love it, I promise.

Again let me know about the vet and also here is my website about proper diet so we can get her on track again.

I hate hearing that she was so neglected and am grateful you took her. Now its time for her to be someones pet. She will be forever bonded with you for this.  Poor little girl! :(