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rat wound wont heal

21 17:10:55

My rat has a wound on the side of her body (about a pea size) that is not healing. She's had it for over 2 months. I took her to the vet, and she was on an oral antibiotic (enroflox) for 2 wks. I was also putting topical antibiotics like neosporin/bactine on the area. Sometimes it has formed scabs, but she opens the wound again. I never noticed any pus, and it is not swollen. To give a better description, it looks like a small crater. She also seems fine (eating, sleeping, playing well).
I dont know what else to do. I hope that you can help.

Can you please take a photo of this for me?  Also, has blood work been done to test her immune system and also test her for diabetes which is commonly seen in rats and would explain why she isnt healing well too.  Also, the tissue needs cultured to find out what it is and what it may respond to.  It may be a staph infection, it may be a fungus......and your rat may seem fine now but it only takes one teeter in the immune system and there you have it, a rat with sepsis.
A fungus would never respond to an antibiotic.

Check out my website on the tumor page and also my page on skin conditions too.

Can you send a photo of it to me?