Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Signifcant porphyrin in one eye day after sneezing attack

Signifcant porphyrin in one eye day after sneezing attack

21 17:15:47


*I'm resubmitting this question with photos. Sorry if you did receive the first copy of this already!

Hello Sandra,
I wrote to you some time back with questions about my first two rats, and I
really appreciated your answers.
I have two new boys now- brothers that are a year and a half old.
One of them had a sneezing fit the night before last that lasted for about an
hour. Then he stopped, and has not sneezed significantly since. There have been
a few odd sneezes, which aren't uncommon for him because he has a tendency to
sneeze while cleaning himself. However, one of his eyes had a significant amount
of porphyrin on the lower half of it starting yesterday, and the eyelid on that
side seems a little puffy. [The older he got, his eyelids seemed to look more
puffy than originally- I've always had a hunch he has some allergies.]
When he was sneezing, I listened to his chest and there was no wheezing or
clicking. His sneezes were maybe kind of wet, because I could feel a little moisture from
his nose on my skin when holding him. I listened to his chest again last night
and still didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. Today, he still isn't
sneezing but his eye has the porphyrin in it again.
I think my vet is closed tomorrow, so I was wondering if there was a safe way to
try to clean his eye or if that is even a good idea. Also wondering if this
sounds like a cold, allergy or perhaps something a little more serious.
He is acting normal otherwise- appetite is fine and he is not sluggish. He's still cleaning himself and his brother. They've
never seen a vet for anything before.
Thank you so much for your time in reading this and I look forward to any
insight you can offer.
Photo attached of the eye.

Rats dont get colds as they are immune to the 200 plus viruses that cause the common cold. It is non pathogenic to them.  Ferrets can catch  a cold, however.

Allergies?  Usually this produces more skin problems than anything else. They can have reactions to things such as dust, candles, perfumes, smoke, etc..etc...and this can, in turn,trigger mycoplasmosis. The eye looks like a possible infection to be honest.

You probably need a vet, but I   would like to help you find one if you dont have one, if thats ok. I have had a bad week listening to my readers write in about losing their rat to a really  bad vet that had them convinced they were some rat expert (there is no such certification in the veterinary world and probably never will be either!) Please let me know your location and I will happily give you names of vets that will treat rats. The good news he is eating and acting ok.  What type of bedding is he on?