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Getting a playmate

21 17:02:45


Chica and Rhiannon
We recently purchased a hairless rat - and want to get her a friend.  She is 10 weeks old..and the pet store said it would not be good to get a fancy rat to put with her - they would fight.  They are going to ask the breeder our rat came from for a "furred" rex to be with her....
In reading - it seems to me the only difference between our CHica and a fancy rat is hair (or lack there of)
Any advice would be appreciated!


You should be able to stick any other rat with this girl, who is approx the same age, regardless of fur type!!

You are right the only difference is the lack of fur on your girl, and the fur on any other rat. So its up to you if you want a standard or a rex friend for your baby. Don't get pushed into spending more because they say it has to be soo!.. Buy the one you want as a friend for your little girl, the only way they are going to fight is if you get an older rat that is aggressive, or a younger one that is going to get picked on by your girl.. it has nothing to do with fur!..