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my rat has sores on him

21 17:57:22

my rat is about three years old. About 2 months ago he started developing sores on his tail. They bled and puss came out of them for a while and then he healed. He now has scabs all ver his tail. So i figured, hey, maybe hes better now. But today when i was washing him i found another sore on his back. Hes an extremely large rat, long and obese. We use cedar bedding for him and feed him a mixture of nuts and seeds, and usually fresh fruit, vegetables and sometimes meat. I was wondering if these sore are treatable, and also if he is still able to breed.

Hello Kendra,
take the cedar bedding out of his cage asap. It sounds like he is having an allergic reaction to the cedar and I would remove the cedar as soon as possible and buy another bedding like aspen, carefresh, soft-sorbent bedding. It's best to take out the bedding and use toilet paper until you are able to get better bedding.