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Vets for pet rats

21 17:51:24

I have a male rat and I think he's pretty sick. He has diarrhea and his testicles are a bluish-purple color. He is showing little interest in his food and water and seems to be breathing rather quickly. Can you give me a diagnosis? I have also lost a female rat in the past due to enormous mammary tumors. Can you point me in the direction of veterinarians in/near the 57059 area code that can perform surgery on a rat?
Thank You

Hi Anna

Yes, he sounds sick for sure.  It could be one of several things...are his feet blue as well? Are his testicles swollen?  Sometimes when there is lack of oxygen an intact male may have discolored testicles but also if there is a problem with circulation in the testicles this can turn them blue as well. Heart or lung disease are also responsible for cyanosis (blue or purple extremeties) so yes I would say he needs a vet.

As for your females, I am sorry you lost your girl to them. I DESPISE mammary tumors.  ALthough a good vet can remove them with ease, they often return and bring "friends"  The reason is because after menopause, which is usually after 18 months of age, estrogen levels rise high and cause mammary tumors to develop. As long as estrogen is high tumors may result.  The only real way to prevent them is to spay the rat at a young age, around 3 to 4 months old, which again, this means a good darn vet that is good with rats.   
I will try to point you in the right direction to a vet and try to see if your  little man can get in right away. Make sure you tell them this is critical with him.

First, I need to know, where do you go for vet care now?  
I can tell you now there are NO exotic vets (certified) in North Or South Dakota, which is so sad...but there are several vets with a good reputation that try to care for exotics best they can and do surgery etc...but I wanted to know who you see now.  You can do a private message if you want but its ok to put the names up here too if you want.