Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Mycoplasma


21 17:18:31

Hi Sandra,

I'm in Norway and there aren't really any really good rat vets so I've been pretty much on my own with caring for our rats. I get the medicines from the vet but I need to know what to do and dosages as well as any cautions to be aware of (such as not injecting enrofloxacin!#

In your experience should I combine azithromycin with doxycycline to treat murine mycoplasmosis in a young rat #appx 5 months)?

I've got the dosage by weight charts.

Thanks very much for being there and for sharing your knowledge and help with your fellow rat lovers. I hope your life is going nicely now.


Hi there

I would suggest trying the zithromax and doxy but keep in mind that after three days if you do not see positive results its time to switch.  You can use baytril injected but it must be diluted to avoid the dreaded ulcerations some rats can develop upon injection.  

If your rat is 5 months, baytril is fine to use though if thats what you may be worried about.

Also keep in mind that the meds should be given for a full 30 days and if this is a second attack they should be kept on the medication for the rest of their life.  Is your vet willing to provide an unlimited supply of these meds for your rats?

As for my life, I just made a huge life changing decision and my rats and I have embarked on a new beginning to our life, but its all good, so far, that is.  Thanks for asking.