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burn like legion on rat head after baytril injection

21 17:45:33

QUESTION: Hi there
i have a 2 1/2 year old female rat who i took to my vet today to get her
checked out becuase she had vaginal bleeding and pus discharge. He
deteremined she probably has either an infection in her uterus or cancer in
her uterus. He suggested antibotics and spay.

He then gave her an injection of baytril between her shoulder blades. About 3
minutes since he gave the injection i looked at her and she has a burn like
legion on the top of her head.
The hair and skin seem to be gone execpt for a thin layer of skin which seems
clear so i can see the veins on her head and blood underneath. It is not
bleeding but very red and she scratches at it. It doesn't look like its caused
from scratching it looks like a burn from the inside?
Is it from the injection.

Please help me i am very very nervous about it. I went back into the vet as
soon as i saw it and he said he hasn't seen that before and its probably from
her scratching at it becuase maybe the injection site is itchy but she is
reaching her head becuase she can't scratch between her shoulder blades.
He gave me otomax to put on it.
thank you for reading this,

ANSWER: The vet honestly did not know this would happen???

It is called BAYTRIL BURN and it is caused by the baytril injection that is given subcutaneously which coagulates in the tissues and causes a nasty ulcer.

I have a huge warning on my website about using injectable baytril on rats because of this very reason.  Rats should only get injections for serious problems and the last place they should get it is in the area your rat had it where there is nothing but skin and bone.
The only area rats should have an injection is in the flank area.

I would worry about the vet spaying your rat if he didnt even know that baytril can do this.  Its painful and needs treated with antibiotic cream that he at least gave you, and even a dressing over it to protect it from debris.

Check out the warning on my site about baytril burn and perhaps show it to the vet so he can learn about this and prevent it from happening to another small mammal that should never have baytril shots. They make liquid for that reason!
Scroll down half way to see the photo of the rat with the ulceration from the baytril shot.

This was addressed by a person that wrote to me a few weeks ago after her rat had the injection:

For further reading, check out the link below to read about baytril and there is a warning included about the reaction they get from it just as I have stated above.  Just thought I would have some back up to go along with my statements.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yah i am worried about the fact he didn't know, He is a small animal vet and is
the vet of choice for the rat rescues in my area. He has never steered me
wrong before.
Will she be ok, How serious is it? Its on the top of her head so i can't really
put a dressing on it.

Will the cream be enough? i feel just awful about this!
I read the other answer in the link u provided and to apply cream to it a few
times a day but What is the recouvery of something like this?

She is currently on a carefresh bedding should i put her on a fleece bedding
to minimize the chance of debris causing infection?

thank you for your help again  


Did he send you home with baytril ?  The injection is only good for 12 hours which is why I asked. She may have pyometra which explains the pus coming from her vaginally. She needs aggressive antibiotic treatment and I do agree on the spay but I always worry about vets when I do not know who they are and if they are skilled with surgery in an older rat. I am sure you know what is best for her and if he is good or not and if your satisfied with him, just dont mind me.  I have just seen one to many vet  declare that they see rats and only know the basics, the very limited information they learn in vet school most rat owners that have had rats for a while already know.

Anyhow, she will recover but it will take time. It wont spread and only will appear where the medicine coagulated at. Keep using the cream he gave you. Also, the carefresh is ok but if it were aspen I would say not to use it.  I would still lay down felt or fleece though and use the carefresh in an isolated area.  If she isnt litter trained now is the perfect time to do it by putting the litter in a litter box and not using anything on the floor but newspaper and plastic needlepoint canvas.

Is her vaginal infection improving at all?