Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > parasites


21 17:48:15

Hi Sandra,
I have a two questions, How do I know if my Rat has parasites, and if he does how would I go about treating him?

Hi Seth

If your rats have parasites, you may notice severe itching with persistent scratching along with hair loss, often in patches, along with scabs or sores from their nails when they scratch. The scabs are seen most often on their back and shoulders and back of their neck as well.  

The two common parasites are mites and lice. The lice are NOT like the  kind that humans have that have wings, these do NOT have wings. They are tan or brown to brownish-red dots on their skin and when they attach to the hair shaft they appear like silver tips on the ends of their fur.

They are species specific and humans cannot catch them from the rats.

Mites are alot smaller and not often seen with the naked eye. When you can see them, they appear as fine sandy like grit on their skin and fur. When engorged with blood they are easier to see.

They also cause itching and hair loss the same as lice and are also species specific.

Both parasites can cause anemia if left untreated.  Treatment would be to use selemectin (revolution) applied between their shoulder blades and this is dosed per weight of the rat. Prescription needed. Also, ivermectin can be used although I do not like the injections as much as the topical treatment. Either one is fine (ivermectin or selemectin)  Some people use home remedies such as rubbing the rat with olive oil but there is no documented evidence that this works. It helps with dry skin but I cannot say for sure if it would kill mites  or lice.

Hope this helps!