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hypoallergic rats

21 17:22:42

i am 13 years old and my parents are thinking about getting 2 rats for me and my sister. however, my dad and my other sister are allergic to animals and my dad also has non animal related skin problems. they get several symptoms around animals including sneezing, watery eyes,sometimes triggers asthma. we were wondering if hypoallergenic rats exist or if there are any reliable ways to help prevent my dad and sister reacting to the rats

It depends on what it is that they're allergic to. If it's the dander, you could get a hairless rat and it might be just fine. Some people, like myself, are allergic to some animals but not others - others are allergic to everything, no matter what species. Do you have friends or family that have rats that you can spend time around, to see if they have any reaction immediately?

Often allergies to pet rats are after prolonged exposure; and some have allergies to their urine, so contact with their feet and tail cause issues. There is no variation of rat that is 100% completely hypoallergenic, though.
