Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat seems mopey

rat seems mopey

21 17:27:17

Hi Sandra!
I own three adult female rats (6 months old). Two are from a breeder and are
very healthy. My third is from a pet store, and has health issues. I have had
her to a vet and she has been treated for and recovered from a urinary tract
infection. The vet told me that she had a tumor near her leg, and it turned out
to be benign, so I didn't have it removed.
I should mention here that these rats are class pets, but the children are
strictly supervised around them and are not allowed to touch them without
adult assistance. I noticed today that the pet store rat (Dot) seemed mopey.
She was eating, cleaning herself, and drinking water, but while the other 2
were running around, she was just lying in her house, staring out. Now, I
have been in Ireland for the past 9 days, and my husband was caring for
them. But they have been back at school since Monday of this past week, and
today was the first that I noticed this. Could it be because she misses my
husband? I also noticed today that she has another, different lump between
her two front legs. This one feels hard and small, like a wart. It is not visible
because it is under the skin. I have a vet appointment for tomorrow and have
all three at home so I can see how active Dot is at tonight (that is when they
are all the most active). Just wanted to see if you had any ideas or advice.


Hi Katie

This tumor...although it may not be cancerous (they usually are always benign) this tumor will eventually claim her life, benign or not.

How long has she had this tumor and is it growing fast?

She is still young so my advice for starters is to please look over my website, Critter City, and refer to the page on Tumors and rats.

She really should be spayed and have the tumors removed if they are indeed mammary tumors. Is there  a way to take a photo of the one on her leg?   Also, please refer to my page and compare the tumors the rats in the photos have to your girls tumor.  

Once you read over the info, please get back to me ASAP. I also would like to know if your vet is a certified exotic vet or just a general DVM that treats rats? usually exotic vets have clinics that are only for avian/exotics and have the proper tools that are scaled to size for small mammals and have the proper medications on hand for the small mammals etc......they can even give them intervenous fluids if needed and perform safer surgeries since they have equipment just for small mammals rather than use something that is meant for a dog or cat.

Anyhow here is the website.  please look it over and get back to me right away and we can figure out whats going on with your little girl.
